The Secret of Quantum Living
The first book I pulled off my overflowing shelves is actually a part two; a fact I was unaware of at the time I came across this book. The first being The Secret of Instant Healing
Quantum Living is based off similar principles to Quantum Physics and the reader is guided through the process of Quantum Entrainment or QE™. Dr. Kinslow teaches the reader how to recognize the True Self through pure awareness exercises, and works through the whole self in four parts: The Mind, Body, Relationships, and Everything Else.
While it is a good instructional book when you actually get to the instructions and exercises the opening is a bit sluggish in that it really should be read as a sequel to the first one. I would recommend this book for anyone ready to do some serious self-study and opening the dusty piles of baggage that have accumulated over your years.
The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles
This book could certainly be a continuation of The Secret books as it is along the same theme: what you think/feel/desire is manifested no matter if those thoughts/feelings/desires are beneficial to you or are detrimental. While the book was a little Bible heavy for my tastes the message was still there and easily discerned. The universal law is that we are all OF and FROM the universe (god, divine power, love, etc), we are perfect beings attempting to live up to our perfect potential and while we will make mistakes along the way it is our job to accept that, move on, ask for guidance, and let go of those things which prevent us from reaching our absolute potential. My only complaint for this book and other books like it are for the "examples." I understand the need for examples of negative behavior/thought patterns, but there's a part of me that has worked so hard NOT to behave/think that way, that I feel in the process of reading the examples I am regressing. Positive Examples Please!

How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey
A great instructional book and guide for some serious self healing. While the author recommends some extensive commitment from the reader -a month- to become acquainted with the how's, who's, and why's of asking, accessing, and gleaning such deep insight to the secrets of not only our soul, but to the universal and spiritual presence of our place in the history of our soul. Clearly with my nose so deep in two other books, I have yet to make that commitment. This book requires an open mind and a little bit of faith in the understanding of reincarnation and that ALL information throughout all of time is accessible if we only know how to access it.
Happy Reading Fans!
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