Our bodies were designed to move. We have strong legs that support us as we move. Within us there is an intricate web of muscles that not only hold us upright but propel us forward. When we choose not to move, the body rebels through a buildup of toxins, deterioration of muscle strength and bone mass all which can lead to numerous diseases. Research studies have shown and proved that walking alone, that simplest of activities can perform seemingly miraculous healing.
While high intensity exercise works for building muscles and revving the metabolism, walking -when done daily- can offer similar benefits.
While high intensity exercise works for building muscles and revving the metabolism, walking -when done daily- can offer similar benefits.
Regular walking can offer all of these health benefits:
* weight loss
* lower blood pressure
* improved cholesterol profile
* improved blood sugars and insulin reaction
* lowers the risk of osteoporosis
* alleviates low back pain
* improved immune function
* increased mental performance and an better mood
* as well as slowing some aspects of the aging process
Looking at this list it's amazing how little as a species we move. Before the advent of motorized vehicles we used our own bodies and muscles to perform daily activities. While technology has made our lives simpler and faster, we have somehow removed the one main component that has propelled us through generations and thousands of years -movement. So let's break down this list and really look at the benefits of finding ways to move everyday; whether walking, running, skipping, or jumping find some way every day to enjoy the freedom that can be felt by walking outdoors.
Weight Loss
* weight loss
* lower blood pressure
* improved cholesterol profile
* improved blood sugars and insulin reaction
* lowers the risk of osteoporosis
* alleviates low back pain
* improved immune function
* increased mental performance and an better mood
* as well as slowing some aspects of the aging process
Looking at this list it's amazing how little as a species we move. Before the advent of motorized vehicles we used our own bodies and muscles to perform daily activities. While technology has made our lives simpler and faster, we have somehow removed the one main component that has propelled us through generations and thousands of years -movement. So let's break down this list and really look at the benefits of finding ways to move everyday; whether walking, running, skipping, or jumping find some way every day to enjoy the freedom that can be felt by walking outdoors.
Weight Loss
While a simple walk every day will not shed the pounds fast it is possible to tone muscle and lose inches. The best thing of all, a daily walk will help stop the creep of the bulge making weight maintenance that much easier. Walking is simple. Unlike diets and strenuous exercise programs walking’s simplicity makes it easier to continue with long after the diet has been forgotten or the exercise routine just too hard to maintain. Research has shown that as people walk the same endorphins that occur as in a "runners high" can trigger a spontaneous diet shift; meaning healthier food choices. The other benefit of walking is that the fat burn is not limited to only the legs. While your legs will indeed tone and strengthen, walking is a whole body exercise incorporating all the muscles that support your torso as well as your arms (provided you swing them as you walk). There are even more benefits that link walking with weight loss but the last one I will talk about here, is the ease walking has on joints. Excess weight can cause inflammation and joint pain making strenuous exercise difficult if not outright horrifying. Walking at any speed will burn calories, but for those who are burdened by excess weight should take a pace and distance that is comfortable for their ability.
Heart Health
Research has proven that people who moderately exercise can decrease the risk of heart attack by up to 30%. While walking is considered to be moderate exercise there are other exercises that can be include in this: bicycling, fishing, bowling, gardening, yard work, home repair, dancing, and swimming just to name few. To gage walking at a moderate pace means to walk at a comfortable pace for no less than 30 minutes. The healthy benefit of walking unlike more strenuous exercises is that it can become a lifelong passion with the same heart healthy benefits of those other workouts; which means a 5-20 point reduction in blood pressure.
As anyone who has watched "The Biggest Loser" knows, exercise combined with weight loss can stop diabetes in its tracks. Walking can have similar effects. While it might not eliminate diabetes, it can help to reduce the need for insulin treatments; walking helps your body regulate glucose intake and insulin output among other hormonal balances. While walking may improve the body’s ability to handle sugar/insulin balances, it has been shown that when a diabetic stops their normal exercise routine all of the benefits experienced disappear. Because diabetics who are well controlled know the importance of keeping a schedule, once a walking program has been established it to will need to have a clear schedule as this will develop a habit of regularity, but can add to the ability of the body in controlling blood sugars. Because of the influence on blood sugar it is important for anyone with diabetes to discuss adding a walking schedule with their doctor.
Stronger Bones
While walking may seem like an odd aid in the fight against osteoporosis and while the stress on bones produced while walking can strengthen bones, walking can only do so much. Calcium and vitamin D are the keys. Walking puts you out in the sunshine, the number one way to obtain vitamin D. Vitamin D is so important because without it the body cannot absorb the calcium it needs to keep bones strong and healthy. So eat plenty of calcium rich foods: dairy products and dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale and go for an after meal walk.
Increased Immunity
So far we've learned that walking can help your heart, lose weight, manage diabetes, and strengthen bones; all of these benefits build up to a stronger immune system. All that fresh air clears the lungs, especially at this time of year when winter weather closes windows and forces people to congregate in germ filled buildings. Beyond getting more fresh air, walking stimulates the body’s ability to produce natural defenders -white blood cells. Referred to as natural killer cells white blood cells are the body's first line of defense against foreign invaders and cancer cells. Another immune enhancing benefit to walking is the reduction of stress hormones. While stress can push the physical and psychological limits of our bodies, walking gives us a way to step away from our stressors. Stress hormones such as adrenaline are triggering the body to move, walking gives those hormones a niche that satisfies. if you find it hard to leave the stressful thoughts behind, there are ways to keep your walks stress free: focus on breathing, don't have a specific goal on your walk such as distance or time, walk somewhere that allows you to focus on the rhythm of walking without other distractions, relax your shoulders down and keep your head up, allow your arms there full range of motion, or lower your eyelids to reduce visual stimulation.
Walking for Spirit
While I have discussed the benefits of walking to the physical body, walking can also bring you closer to your spiritual self by choosing places within nature that inspire wellness, happiness, and a larger sense of purpose. Walking in beautiful, natural surroundings can have regenerative powers on the spirit. Different natural sceneries can produce a close personal connection or an expansive experience. Walking within nature not only provided a change of scenery but can bring you closer to a higher power, not only within yourself but in your connect to the world.
How to get started
Before starting any exercise program, always consult a doctor. Once that has been done there are walking clubs both in the online world as there are in the physical world. The YMCA has programs for both adults and children. If the weather where you live is unpredictable there are programs at most indoor malls that will allow people to walk at any time of year, though the hours may not always be conducive to busy schedules. Plan walking vacations where you can combine your freedom from everyday life with a stroll on the beach, across the green, or through a colorful Mercado. Research local parks and hiking trails for weekend trips, these can count as mini-vacations if you go somewhere that allows you to de-stress. Try something new or find a park you've always wanted to visit. But most of all find places and people to walk with that will allow you to look forward to your walking time, and have FUN!
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