I cannot believe that it is spring time already; and where did March go? Life certainly ran away with me -so- to all those who were diligently reading along -I apologize.
Spring in this Northern Midwest City has certainly come earlier than usual with an arrival of about 5 weeks premature; great for the growing season, for getting outside and enjoying the mild temperatures, the budding leaves, and abundance of spring flowers. Alas this also means spring allergies, for those who suffer, have started early and will probably linger as spring stretches on for possibly the next few months leading into summer.
I had thought about the best spring juice to portray; one full of fresh baby leaf lettuces; lettuce requiring the cooler temperatures of spring and mid fall to really pack a powerhouse of growth and nutrients. Yet, while I was perusing through the facebook page of my favorite Juice Guru, Jay Kordich, I ran across a recipe of two wonderful juices that boost the body’s natural ability to protect against those awful spring allergen irritants. While the quantities of the three ingredients in his juices may seem daunting, and will certainly produce enough for two, like all recipes with diligence and care they can be reduced down to an amount suitable for just one person.

10 carrots + 1 small beet + 1 cucumber
10 carrots + 6 dandelion leaves + 1 cucumber
A side note on the use of dandelion greens. Make sure that you buy them organically from your local grocer or co-op. You want to avoid the ones that grow proliferously in your own yard or along the side of the road due to contamination by pesticides, herbicides, road de-icer chemicals, and other random car pollutants.
Recipe and photo provided by Jay Kordich.
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