Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mindful Thinking

It was one of those random moments; Facebook sent me a suggested Event on an evening discussion with the topics of mindful eating and focused nutrition.

How could I miss the chance to engage with others in a topic I love; needless to say it was a Pounce moment and well worth my time.

I was surprised to learn that I knew the hostess in a professional manner and a little leery at first that the evening was really a product promotion in disguise.  Thankfully it was a very informative presentation and solidified and perpetuated my belief and understanding of topics I've discussed in the past.

T.O.P. Living
As explained by the guest speaker Anthony Verderame, a certified Whole Life counselor and coach, means to live life with the notion that you Think On Purpose.  I have already expounded a bit on concepts similar to this in past blog posts: Gratitude Not just for Thanks Giving and Spiritual Growth or Winter Blues.  He discussed or rather highlighted the 7 Laws of the Mind, 5 ways on How to Think, and 3 ways on how to Apply all this information into your daily life to create the top living suggested by his fancy word play.

As for nutrition?  
Well he did not go into specifics, really because he only had 49 minutes to divulge all his secrets.  His presentation was really a roundabout way of saying that in order to change your habits you first have to change your thinking; which is something that I agree with wholeheartedly!  What you think to yourself, think about yourself, and imagine about yourself play a vital role in who you are as a person.  Why bog all that down with negativity and self-degradation hiding yourself in a shadow of self-doubt and criticism when you are a shining soul full of love and light. 

Change one thought  

What was the last negative thought you thought to yourself?  Did you drop something and call yourself stupid or an idiot?  Are you really stupid?  Are you truly an idiot? NO!  So why did you say that, think that, and/or feel that?  When you can dig deeply into the reasons why you think, say, or feel negatively about yourself than you can move toward making better choices in what you eat, how you react in stressful situations, and your general outlook on life.  This ultimately was the underlying idea in Anthony Verderame’s presentation.

As for the Laws of the Mind, How to Think, and the Application process those topics are deep enough that I can share them in another blog moment.  So be patient as I look deeper into those topics to share with you that profound wisdom.

 Health! Wealth! and Wisdom! to all of you

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