Friday, August 16, 2013

The 7 Laws of the Mind part 1

As I divulged in my last post I was going to expound on and delve into the concepts briefly laid out to me and those who were in attendance by Anthony Verderame.  I shall attempt to not only divulge the Laws but how to change your thoughts to be more positively aligned with how the brain works so that these laws can work for you rather than against you.

 The 7 Laws of the Mind are immutable.  They go by a variety of names (Laws of Attaction; Magical Laws of Thinking; Universal Laws of the Mind) and some 'sets' may have more or less and the 'laws' may be called/titled slightly different, but essentially they boil down to how the mind works at perceiving "reality."

1. Law of Responsibility
We have evolved to be self-aware, but no one really taught us what that means or how to be self-aware while avoiding being self-destructive.  For every thought or emotion there is a chemical and physiologic reaction within the body.  We are constantly creating ourselves and recreating ourselves with every thought.  Those thoughts that tend to repeat will have a stronger standing in our subconscious perception of ourselves then those thoughts that do not get repeated: i.e. if you tell yourself every time you see your reflection that you are beautiful then your subconscious mind will agree and even when you are not seeing your reflection you will believe yourself to be beautiful -BUT- the same goes if every time you see your reflection you tell yourself that you are ugly, then your subconscious will take that as truth.  You have a CHOICE in what you think as they are YOUR thoughts; so choose WISELY!  If you are not creating your thoughts than someone else is, take responsibility and reject all negativity that comes from without and from within.

2. Law of Reverse Effect
Remember all those times mom told you NOT to do something?  Like "Don't drop those dishes!" or "Don't forget ____." And what happened? You dropped the dishes and you forgot ____.  Have you ever wondered why? (Parents pay attention to what comes next!) The brain cannot process a negative.  The reason why this occurs is that the subconscious identifies the weakness of the statement: "Don't drop those dishes" your subconscious immediately seizes upon the idea or concept of dropping the dishes, so what do you do? You drop the dishes.  Even if you were to attempt right now to imagine your child-self walking to the cupboard with an armload of dishes, it would be very hard for you not to imagine yourself at some point along the way not DROPPING the dishes.  Even as you read this you are probably mentally hearing the sound of all those dishes clattering to the floor (I know I am as I write this).  There are four major weaknesses to negative suggestions such as these.

  1. They create a void by neglecting to tell you the answer to the question of what it is you are supposed to do
  2. They create the wrong mental picture
  3. They create a challenge that forces you to not want to give up the very thing you are expected to give up
  4. They destroy creative imagination
What mom should have said was: "Take these carefully and put them away."  Take a moment and go back to that child version of yourself and give her/him those instructions instead.  Do you make it to the cupboard? Of course you do!  How about if mom had said "Remember _____."  Guess what! you would have remembered _____.  The next time you are trying to remember a person's name don't tell yourself  "I never remember names" instead tell yourself  "Their name will come to me" and continue on with your conversation or activity and eventually the name you were attempting to remember will POP into your head.  With practice the time it takes for you to remember will become less.  Now parents when working with your children and adjusting behavior watch your language, are you using negatives? or are you directing your child to the outcome you prefer?  Try it -you just might be surprised.  
(by the way I have used this technique almost exclusively on my own son since he was 4 with great success[and in combination with traditional directional parenting before that as there were other family members involved who did not agree with this method] )

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