Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Always #LikeAGirl - Unstoppable

For a commercial this has a beautiful message and now I will take it even further: Between social media, magazines, movies, television, and skewed political agendas that want to return women back to a time before the suffrage movement it is important not to limit the vision, ideas, and dreams of our youth - male or female! Still to this day, young women (girls) are often told to be demure, soft spoken, and to not try for subject matters that are deemed as masculine just as young men (boys) are told to be tough, loud, and to avoid anything that will make them seem weak. This is laughable! In a world where we cry out for free speech yet hold back when our freedoms are revoked because it is just too hard; or we have to figuratively and sometimes literally fight to the death for something that should be so simple like education or natural like the right to marry who we love - there should be no one no where that has the right to deter anyone from being who they are meant to be. All people should be allowed and given the freedom to express their soul in its purest form. Stop the insanity! Stop the degradation of humanity! Support our youth, our world, our existence without undermining our future.

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